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last post Jul 30, 2021 19:47:33 GMT -6 Izana / madam#9763
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The Library
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You can also find the Prism Realm World Map here, as well as information about Biomes and places.
last post Jan 21, 2021 14:10:15 GMT -6 The Prism Island Cave System & the Samora
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The Prism Temple... every city has one, and it often seems to be the center of attention. Each is built from marble, either black, white, or prismatic. Shelves and shelves of paper line the walls of the main large entrance room; tomes of lost knowledge and scrolls of new research alike can be found here. Temple staff, worshippers, and scholars share these spaces in peace, as knowledge is saught and respected by all. A Priest/Priestess or multiple are usually in charge of the temple runnings, and protect this knowledge.
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